True Agendas

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Trust - Belief - Hope

Whom do you trust? What do you believe? Why? How can you determine where someone - or some organization - actually stands on an issue? Where their heart is? These are challenges I hope to explore in this blog, especially as they relate to changing legal rights and responsibilities of pet ownership in America.

It is also my wish to provide hope for the future - examples of towns, cities and states that 'get it right.' Where the right to pet ownership is encouraged and not put on trial by groups with ... agendas.

Let's consider the world which the animal rights movement really wants to create for us and our children's children's children. My theory is that, ultimately, it is not what they're telling our local city councils and state governments.

Learn. Do. Teach. Mentor. That's my agenda. What's yours?


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