True Agendas

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Happy Tuesday

There's just one status change for radical animal rights bills in Sacramento today - at least this early in the morning:
SB 135 (Florez - Coauthors: Senators DeSaulnier and Hancock)
- Animal abuse: cattle: tail docking
- Assigned to the Assembly Committees on Public Safety and Agriculture
All other bills are holding steady. Things may change later today, of course.

Why do I call this a radical AR bill? Tell me: why are HSUS, PeTA, Farm Sanctuary and other animal rights industry giants so adamant that this bill become law - when dairy cow tail docking is a practice already fading into history? Docking is a failed experiment which has not resulted in better cow health nor farmer profits from safer, more hygenic milk.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the first version of this bill referred to 'animals' being docked, not cows. Good thing the dog and cat show breeders caught that little problem, hm?


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